

Como ja estivemos varias vezes na Argentina e neste trecho nao existem muitas atracoes turisticas, seguimos em direcao Oeste. A  Argentina e famosa por seu gado de corte e leiteiro, e seus cavalos belissimos. A carne daqui e muito boa, assim como os lacteos. Passamos por varias estancias de criacao de gado, cavalos e de agricultura, principalmente o trigo. Campos lindos.

Apos pernoitarmos em Va.Mercedes, seguimos passando por Rio Cuarto, Va.Maria, San Francisco, Santo Tome e chegamos a Santa Fe que e uma cidade grande, antiga e onde se passa pelo Rio Parana pelo tunel  de 2,4 km de extensao que passa dentro do rio. Atravessamos e chegamos a cidade de Parana, que tambem e bem grande. Pernoitamos ai. Neste nosso trajeto passamos por um onibus de Turismo por duas vezes, de repente, o onibus nos passa mais uma vez e diminui de velocidade quando um passageiro coloca parte do corpo para for a da janela e expoe a sua carteira de motorista…da FLORIDA!!!Deve ter visto a placa do motorhome, que tambem e da Florida!!!

No dia seguinte seguimos em direcao a fronteira com o Uruguai passando pela cidade de Villaguay e depois Villa Elisa na qual existem estacoes de aguas termais salgadas. Bem bonitinha a cidade. Seguimos em direcao a Colon, onde e o paso fronteirico e as12h23min. do dia 1 de novembro completamos 10.000 milhas percorridas!!!! Que perfazem 16.090 km de estrada…

Quase chegando em Colon, em funcao do estado precario da estrada, passou por nos um onibus, que desviou de alguns buracos, mas caiu noutro, levantando agua e pedras e uma foi dar exatamente no parabrisa do motorhome ocasionando uma rachadura que mais parece de um tiro…quase saindo do pais e faltando pouco para terminar nosso percurso, e tendo passado o pior…c’est la vie…

Passamos a Ponte Internacional sobre o Rio Uruguay e do outro lado estao as duas estacoes de Aduana e Imigracao. Para passar a Ponte paga-se pedagio, no final dela, ja no Uruguai – bem caro ate – U$ 28,00. Pagamos, comentamos sobre o parabrisa quebrado, e ao sairmos da cancela do pedagio, que e bastante estreita, um pneu traseiro  pegou no cordao e estourou…ai,ai,ai…Muito azar para um so dia….Com isto acabamos pernoitando em Paysandu.

Normalmente durante a noite nos desligamos o refrigerador para economizar gas, e ao fazer isto, notamos que o refrigerador nao estava funcionando como devia…depois de alguns testes e tentativas de religa-lo acabamos descobrindo que ele nao estava mais gelando – consequencia das estradas HORRIVEIS que se encontram por aqui.

Bom, sem refrigerador, vidro do caroneiro quebrado,  parabrisa quebrado, pneu por consertar e ja tendo visitado o Uruguai e a Argentina varias vezes anteriormente, nao nos restou outra alternativa a nao ser seguirmos para a fronteira do Uruguai com Brasil de pronto. De Paysandu seguimos para Tacuarembo – que e a cidade das tradicoes pampeanas – depois Melo e entao Isidoro Noblid passando para Acegua – ja no Brasil.


Since we had already been several times to Argentina and at this section of the country there aren’t very many touristic attractions, we decided to continue west . Argentina is famous for its dairy and meat cattle and beautiful horses. The meat here is very good and the dairy products, as well. We went through several cattle ranches and horse farms, and agricultural products, especially wheat – beautiful fields.

After spending overnight at Va.Mercedes, we went through Rio Cuarto, Va.Maria,  San Francisco and Santo Tome and got to Santa Fe which is a big and old City and where one passes through the tunnel that runs underneath the Parana River. We crossed and got to the city of Parana, which is big,too, and stayed there overnight. At this point we passed by a tour bus and all of a sudden the bus passes us, slows down and a passenger puts half of his body out of a window and waves his driver’s license…from Florida…probably because the license plate of our RV is from Florida!

The next day we went towards the border with Uruguay, passing by the town of Villaguay and Villa Elisa – where there are salt thermal water spas. A cute little town. We went on towards Colon and the border passage and at 12:23 of November 1st we completed 10.000 miles since we left Florida!!

 When we were almost arriving at Colon, due to the terrible situation of the roads down here, a bus came in the opposite direction trying to avoid the potholes but fell into a deep one casting water and some stones and one of them hit our windshield glass producing a crack that looks like a gunshot…almost leaving the country…and almost finishing our journey…well, c’est la vie…

We crossed the International Bridge over the Uruguay River and at the other side there are Immigration and Customs offices of both countries. To cross the bridge there is a toll to pay – and a quite expensive one – U$ 28,00. We paid for it, commented about the cracked windshield and when Daniel was driving out of the toll booth he hit the curb with one of the back tires and ripped it…oh, my…much bad luck for one only day…so, we ended up staying overnight in the town of Paysandu.

Usually during the night we would turn our refrigerator off to save gas since there are very few places where we can fill it up. This time we noticed it was not working as it should…after some tests and attempts to make it work right we came to the conclusion it was not working at all…as a result of the TERRIBLE roads we have travelled.

OK, no refrigerator, passenger side window broken, windshield glass cracked, a ripped tire to be fixed…and having already visited Argentina and Uruguay several times before, there was no other option than to head home as soon as possible. So we drove towards the border of Uruguay and Brazil, from Paysandu to Tacuarembo, Melo and then the border town of Isidoro Noblid crossing to Acegua – already in Brazil.   

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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.