More photos Panama

Restaurante "Hacienda Colombiana" - comida tipica a base de feijao, arroz, carne, tortillas e banana frita... "Hacienda Colombiana" Restaurant - trying typical Colombian dish based on rice, black beans, meat, tortillas and plantains.

E experimentando a cerveja local, e claro... And tasting the local beer, of course...

Esta foto e especial para nossa amiga Susana - nossa dentista querida...kkk This picture is for our friend Susana - the dentist we visit...kkk

Passagem do canal... Canal passage.

Caminhando ate a ultima ilha - Flamenco... Walking to the last island of "Flamenco", on the causeway.

Onibus do City-Tour e atras a construcao de uma enorme marina seca... City tour bus and behind the building of a dry marina.

Falando com "Nensia" no skype pra mostrar a bonequinha panamenha q compramos pra ela... Talking to granddaughter Hortensia through skype to show her the little Panamanian doll we bought for her.

Pizza night....

E sonbremesa de sorvete que alias e muito bom... Ice cream for dessert which is delicious here.

Beatrz e Daniela, filhas da Adriana e do Daniel, que vieram nos visitar no MH... Beatriz and Daniela, daughters of Adriana and Daniel, who came to visit us in our RV.

Esta e a loja de roupas infantis (Marisol, do Brasil) que eles possuem no centro da cidade. E olhem as meninas ai abrindo a porta para nos...umas fofas elas! This is the store they have downtown Ciudad de Panama which sells childrens clothes from Brazil. And the cute little girls opening the door for us!

Area para os "picorruchos" na loja... Entertainment area for the little ones inside of the store.

Eolha elas se divertindo... And the girls are having fun.

Adriana, Daniel1 e Daniel2 e a socia da Adriana na loja... Adriana, Daniel1 and Daniel2, and Adriana's partner at the store.

No apartamento deles, com sua ajudante Nicaraguense - Glenda. At their apartment with Nicaraguan helper - Glenda.

Apreciando um gostoso "cheviche"...hummmm... Enjoying delicious "cheviche", yammmy!

Calzada de Amador... Causeway Calzada de Amador.

Outra vista com uma das ilhas ao fundo... Another view and one of the islands in the background.

Chegando no complexo onde estamos no estacionamento na parte dos fundos... Arriving at the complex where we are in the back parking lot

Calzada e as ilhas... Calzada and the islands.

Atendentes Ariadna e Waganaili na "Heladeria Gelarti"... Attendants Ariadna and Waganaili at ice-cream parlor Gelarti.

Me deliciando com o sorvete e a paisagem... Enjoying the ice-cream and the background...

Esta e a marina do hotel da primeira ilha... The marina from the hotel on the other island.

Restaurantes e lojas do complexo... Restaurants and shops at Perico Island complex.

E ta chegando a chuva...alias chove todos os dias e e bom para amenizar o calor... And there comes the rain...but it is good to break the heat!

Maria Fernanda, atendente da recepcao do Hotel Amador...alias estava de "cumpleanos" neste dia... Maria Fernanda - clerk at Hotel Amador, in fact it was her birthday on this day!

E Jose, outro recepcionista do Hotel... And Jose, the other receptionist at the Hotel. Gracias, Maria Fernanda y Jose - uds fueram muy amables y prestativos!

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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.