
Guayaquil a Manta

Em Guayaquil fomos ao escritorio do agente maritimo para pegar a B/L original do envio do motorhome e ficamos sabendo que houve um atraso na saida do navio de Panama - deveria ter saido no dia 5/10 mas acabou saindo no dia 7/10 para chegar no dia 9/10. De posse do documento, que e necessario para retirar o MH no porto em Manta, pegamos uma van do Mantaexpress para a cidade de Manta. O trajeto deveria ser de 3 horas, mas...atraso de saida, transito, uma troca de pneus, e descidas de passageiros...acabamos levando quase 4 horas...

No caminho entre Guayaquil e Manta se passa por varias localidades entre elas as cidades de Montecristi e Jipijapa, onde se fabricam os famosos Chapeus Panama, de palha da palmeira chamada toquilla. O "chapeu panama" e, na realidade, fabricado no Ecuador, nestas duas cidades e mais na cidade de Cuenca. Ficaram famosos e populares pelo uso que fizeram deles os trabalhadores do Canal do Panama, fato que acabou dando nome ao chapeu - Chapeu Panama...A Lela, quando esteve aqui no Equador, levou um "original" para o Daniel e agora Daniel comprou mais "alguns" e eu tive que comprar um tambem...e claro.

Manta e uma cidade pesqueira e portuaria, e bem grande e, de acordo com os moradores tem se desenvolvido bastante nos ultimos anos epretendem transformar o seu portonum dos mais importantes do Equador. e e chamada de "Capital do Atum...Aqui nos hospedamos no Hotel Cabanas Bacalar e no dia seguinte fomos a Aduana para saber se o navio ja havia chegado para iniciarmos os tramites de liberacao...Surpresa...o navio passaria primeiro pelo porto de BuenaVentura, na Colombia, para chegar em Manta somente na manha do dia 11/10 - sexta feira mas...feriado por conta da Independencia do Equador...assim que os orgaos publicos com os quais teriamos que tratar nao estariam trabalhando...Entao...apesar do navio chegar na sexta pela manha, somente na segunda poderiamos iniciar os tramites para a liberacao...

O que fazer neste meio tempo?? Bom, como diz Daniel, estar no equador e nao visitar a Linha do Equador...Metade do Mundo...Latitude 000, e nao ter estado no Equador...assim, alugamos um carro e "nos fuimos hasta Quito"...

Guayaquil to Manta

In Guayaquil we went to the maritime agent's office in order to get the original shipping B/L once it is necessary to retrieve the RV from the Port. There we came to learn that there had been a delay in Panama, and the ship - which was scheduled to leave Panama Balboa port on Oct.5th, left on Oct.7th - with an ETA in Manta - Ecuardor, on the 9th. OK, with docs in hands we took a van from Mantaexpress Transp.Co. and left to the city of Manta. The trip should have taken 3 hours, but...delay at departure...traffic...tire change...passangers getting ended up taking us 4 hours to get there!

On the way to Manta one passes through several small towns, among which the towns of Montecristi and Jipijapa, where the famous "Panama Hats" are made with the straw taken from the palm tree called "toquilla". The "Panama Hat" is in fact made in Ecuador in these two towns along with the town of Cuenca. They became famous due to the fact that the workers of the Panama Canal started wearing them as sun protection and because of this fact they ended up getting the name of Panama Hat, in spite of being made in Ecuador. Daniela, when came to Ecuador took an original one as a present for Daniel, and this trip he had to buy a "few", and I bough myself one,too, of course...

Manta is a fishing town and has a small port. According to the local people has been developing much lately and the government is improving the port facilities in order to make it become an important port in Ecuador. Manta is known as "The Tuna Fish Capital" of Ecuador. Here we stayed at Cabanas Bacalar Hotel and the next day we went to the Customs office to check on the schedule of the ship and start the release paper work. Surprise...surprise...The ship before coming to Manta would go to the port in Buenaventura, in Colombia, and was scheduled to get to Manta on Friday morning, but...Friday was a HOLIDAY...due to their Independence that no public office would be working that day, neither Saturday or Sunday, of course, so we would be able to resume the procedures only on Monday - October 14th...

What to do during all these days?? Well, like Daniel says, if you come to Ecuador and you do not visit "The Middle of the World"..."The Equator Line"..."Latitud 000" haven't visited, we rented a car and off we went to Quito!!

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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.