

Como comentei nosso primeiro pernoite foi na cidade de Arica – o ponto mais ao Norte do Chile apos a fronteira com Peru. Arica e uma cidade relativamente grande, com aeroporto, industrias e bastante comercio. Na manha seguinte seguimos para o sul pela Panamericana passando pelo que chamam de Pampa – que e uma area de descampado, so areia, montanhas de pedra arenosa e uma ou outra vilazinha no caminho. Uma paisagem, como diz Daniel, lunar…

Como nos levaram a TV resolvemos sair da Panamericana em direcao a costa para passarmos pela cidade de Iquique – que tem Zona Franca – a ZOFRI – e acabamos comprando uma TV la. Antes de chegarmos a Iquique se chega a uma localidade chamada Alto Hospicio…e de la se desce, e se desce…ate chegar na costa em que esta Iquique – uma cidade muito grande – de frente para o Oceano Pacifico e de costas para dunas enormes e montanhas. Aqui ficamos de quarta a sabado estacionados num estacionamento em frente a um Holiday Inn, juntamente com varios outros viajantes e outros motorhomes de Chilenos que os deixam ali para vender ou alugar. Aqui conhecemos uma familia de Canadenses que viajam com suas 3 filhinhas pequenas, um casal da Alemanha-Ludwig e Elisabeth- num caminhao Mercedes que foi feito pela Vetura e eles inclusive ja estiveram no Rodeio em Campo Bom – mundo pequeno…e tambem conhecemos a Francesa Catherine, que esta desde agosto do ano passado viajando com sua van. Todos muito simpaticos e trocamos muitas ideias sobre estas viagens.

Ficamos mais tempo em Iquique porque Daniel estava tentando achar um vidro para repor no caminhao, mas sem sucesso…acho que teremos que ir a Santiago. Bem de Iquique seguimos entao sul mas pela Costa passando por Tocopilla – uma antiga cidade mineira – com muitos predios e casas antigas. De la passamos por varias vilas e sempre visualizando esta paisagem de muitas montanhas de pedra, depois Mejillones, atravessamos o Tropico de Capricornio que fica 20km antes de Antofagasta, ate chegarmos na Cidade de Antofagasta – que e bem grande, com praias muito bonitas – tem casino, aeroporto, porto, muitas instalacoes militares e havia muita gente aproveitando a praia.

Nesta regiao do Chile existem muitas minas. Alias ao deixar a Panamericana em direcao a Iquique se passa por uma “cidade fantasma” que eram as instalacoes de uma mina inglesa que explorava salitre. Haviam alojamentos, escola, supermercado, cinema…me lembrou as instalacoes da antiga Fabrica Haengans – no Rio Grande. Tambem exploram o sal, e se ve sal ate pelaestrada e sobre as pedras no oceano, e tambem sao famosas aqui as minas de cobre – e dizem que o cobre Chileno e um dos melhores. 

Chile – English

As I commented before our first night we spent in the city of Arica – at the very northern part of Chile after crossing the border with Peru. Arica is quite big, with an airport, several industries and much commerce businesses. The next morning we followed the Panamericana southbound and went through what they call “Pampa”- open areas of sand, sandy and stone mountains – and just small villages on the way. A landscape that resembles the moon, says Daniel.

Since they took our TV set we decided to leave the Panamericana and head towards the coast to get to Iquique – where there is Duty Free Zone – the ZOFRI – and ended up buying a TV set there. Before arriving in Iquique one passes through a place called Alto Hospicio and from there you go down, and down…till you reach the coast at the bottom where Iquique is located. It is a big city – with its back to the mountains and huge dunes and its front to the Pacific Ocean. Here we stayed from Wednesday til Saturday morning parked at a parking lot in front of a Holiday Inn along with several other campers of foreign travelers and some belonging to Chileans who display their vehicles there to rent or sell. Here we met a Canadian family travelling with their three little girls, a German couple = Ludwig and Elisabeth – whose vehicle was built at Vetura factory some 15 miles from our town and they even have been to the International Rodeo in Campo Bom –small world, isn’t it…We also met a French lady called Catherine who has been traveling with her van since august of 2012.All of them very nice persons and we have exchanged many thoughts about these trips.

We stayed longer in Iquique because the place was nice – in front of the Ocean and also because Daniel is trying to find the glass for the window – but with no success – we will most likely have to go to Santiagao. From Iquique we went on south but this time by the coast going through Tocopilla – an old mining town – with old houses and buildings. From here we went through many small villages and the surroundings always the same – sand, dunes, stone mountains, after Mejillones we crossed the Tropic of Capricorn which is 20km before Antofagasta and then we reached Antofagasta which is quite big with very nice beaches, there is a casino, airport, several military posts and there were many people enjoying the beach.

I this region of Chile there are many mines. In fact, when we left the Panamericana heading west towards Iquique we passed through a ghost town which were the headquarters of an English owned salitre mine. There were living quarters, a school, small market, cinema…all closed. They also explore the salt, copper and several other minerals.

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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.