

Apos pernoitarmos em Palmar Norte, passamos pela cidade de Rio Claro onde encontramos um mecanico para trocar a cruzeta (que acabaram sendo duas) do MH. Dai chegamos a cidade fronteirica de Paso Canoa, saindo da Costa Rica e entrando no Panama.  Na Migracion carimbaram nossos passaportes mas nao antes de  provarmos  que tinhamos recursos financeiros no valor de U$ 500,00 cada um para podermos entrar no pais…ok. Na Aduana tivemos que adquirir o seguro veicular e preencher a papelada para a importacao do veiculo, verificacao policial, fumigacao, e ai…listos!!!

Esta etapa da viagem sera diferente pois temos que iniciar os tramites para o envio do MH para o Equador e isto so podera ser feito na segunda feira, assim que queriamos passar o findi numa praia para relaxar, descansar e nos prepararmos para esta etapa antes de chegarmos a Cidade do Panama. Bem, entramos em Boca Chica, na Provincia de Chiriqui…nao encontramos nenhum lugar em que pudessemos estacionar o MH e nos sentirmos seguros, acabamos pernoitando numa Gasolinera Terpel na cidade de Santiago, capital da Provincia de Veraguas.

De Santiago saimos cedo no sabado pela manha decididos a achar uma praia pois na costa norte do Pacifico ha no minimo dez praias listadas no mapa…passamos por Aguadulce,Nata, Penonome , e pelas praias de Santa Clara, El Palmar, Gorgona e Malibu…sem conseguirmos um lugar para ficar…tudo muuuito pequeno e as vezes passamos trabalho para conseguir fazer o retorno. Seguimos pela Panamericana  em direcao a Cidade do Panama, mas um pouco antes de atravessar a Ponte de Las Americas fizemos uma ultima tentativa e “bajamos” ate a cidade de Vera Cruz que tambem tem praia mas ai so haviam Hoteis grandes de redes e condominios residenciais…”sigue, no mas”… Depois de passarmos a ponte entrando na Cidade do Panama entramos num bairro chamado Amador em que esta o que aqui chamam  “Calzada de Amador” um corredor que leva as ilhas de Naos, Perico e Flamenco e que tem de um lado a Bahia de Panama e do outro a entrada do Canal do Panama, e em que existem hoteis, restaurantes, o ferry que leva ate a ilha de Taboga, Centro de Exibicoes Marinhas Smithsonian, marina, aluguel de minimotos, bicicletas para um e quarto passageiros, lojas de artesanias e e um lugar bastante turistico onde as pessoas vem para passar o final de semana ou o dia e apreciar as belezas da bahia em que se tem uma bela vista da Cidade e da entrada do Canal onde se veem os navios e outras pequenas embarcacoes.

Bem, depois de procurarmos dois ou tres lugares, acabamos encontrando o Hotel Amador Ocean View que fica na Ilha de Perico (periquito – e tem varios por aqui…) num complexo que possui restaurantes, lanchonete, mini mercado, lojas de artesanato, sorveteria e uma vista maravilhosa…conseguimos um lugar no estacionamento, com agua , luz e internet por um preco razoavel. Vejam as fotos…  

Panama – English

After spending the night at Palmar Norte we went through the town of Rio Claro where we managed to find a mechanic to trade the part (which turned out to be two) in the RV. From here we arrived at the border town of Paso Canoa, leaving Costa Rica and entering Panama. At Migracion we had our passports stamped but not before showing proof that we had funds in the amount of U$ 500 for each one…ok.  At Aduana  we bought mandatory vehicle insurance, filled out import papers, police inspection, spray and then…after a little over 1 hour…”listos”…on we went!

This will be a different part in our trip since we have to start the paperwork and procedures to have the RV shipped to Ecuador. Since it is Friday and we will start the “marathon” only on Monday we would like to find a nice beach to spend the week-end, relax and rest a little from all the driving before going into Panama City. Well, we entered Boca  Chica Beach, in the Province of Chiquiri…but couldn’t find any place where to park the RV and feel safe to spend the night. Again we ended up staying overnight at a gas station in the town of Santiago, capital of the Province of Veraguas.

From Santiago we left early on Saturday morning with the firm intent to find a beach once at the northern Pacific coast there are at least 10 beaches listed on the map…we went through Aguadulce, nata, Penonome, and the small beaches of Santa Clara, El Palmar, Gorgona e Malibu…without finding a place to stay…everyplace was tooo small and we had a hard time trying to reverse back to the main road. Back to the Panamericana Highway towards Ciudad de Panama but a little before crossing the Puente de las Americas bridge into the City we ade a last try and went to the town of Vera Cruz in which there is a beach but there we found only big hotels from famous American chains and “luxury” condos (for their standards, of course)…”sigue, no mas…”. After crossing the bridge into the City we entered a section called Amador in which there is a causeway called “Calzada de Amador” – a corridor that leads to the islands of Naos, Perico e Flamenco and that has at one side the Bay of Panama and on the other, the entrance to the Panama Canal. Here there arehotels, restaurants , the ferry to the island of Taboga, Smithsonian Marine Exhibit Center, marina, bike and motorcycle rentals, sightseeing tour bus, gift shops and is a touristic place both for tourists and local who come to spend the day or the week-end to enjoy the beautiful view one has from Ciudad de Panama and of the ships entering the Canal.

After inquiring in two or three places we ran into Amador Oceanview Hotel in the island of Perico (parrot and there are several…talkative ones, here) at a plaza which has restaurants, fast food stores, mini market, pizza place, ice cream parlor, gift shops and a gorgeous view of the City and of the Canal. We were able to get a spot in the parking lot of the Hotel which provided us with water, electricity and internet for a fair price. Check out the photos.  


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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.