Returning home

Retornando para a Florida...Returning to Florida...

Retornando para casa...

No Kentucky chegamos a regiao de Chattanooga, passando pela bela regiao de Signal Mountain, continuando na 127 e checando os itens do yard sale. Pernoitamos no KOA Lookout Mountain Chattanooga. Nesta localidade de Lookout Mountain visitamos, em outra viagem, a propria Lookout Mountain, Rock City, Incline Railway e Ruby Falls, atracoes que valem a pena...a vista que se tem do alto da montanha e indescritivel e a queda d'agua de Ruby Falls mais parece uma obra de arte, tamanha e sua beleza...

No dia seguinte passamos pela loja de pecas para veiculos militares QTM na cidade de Fort Oglethorpe, ja na Georgia. Para se chegar ai se atravessa o Chickamauga/Chattanooga Battlefield Park onde aconteceram as batalhas de Chickamauga/Chattanooga e Lookout Mountain. Visitamos os museus e o Parque tambem em viagem anterior e aprendemos um pouco sobre a Historia destas batalhas e seus personagens. Depois de pegar as pecas que Daniel precisava para o Jipe, continuamos passando por varios yard sales no estado da Georgia.

Pernoitamos na Georgia no KOA de Cartersville/Cassville. No dia seguinte, seguimos em direcao a Florida passando por Atlanta, Macon, Valdosta, entrando na Florida e nos dirigindo ate Kissimmee e Sherwood Forest Manufactured Homes Community. Chegando em casa para finalmente usarmos a casa o que ate agora nao haviamos feito. 

Nesta viagem ficamos 52 dias viajando e completamos quase 10.000 milhas na estrada (mais precisamente 9.790 milhas) e percorremos 20 estados sendo que alguns deles passamos duas vezes, tanto na ida quanto na volta. Visitamos familiares e amigos, fizemos novas amizades e conhecemos pessoas muito interessantes, alem rever alguns dos lugares que ja haviamos percorrido e conhecer novas "paragens"...Viajar e sempre bom e em cada viagem aprendemos algo novo - tanto relativo aos lugares que visitamos quanto a simples questao de sobrevivencia na estrada...o bom e que cada dia e uma novidade, cada pernoite, uma incognita e e isto exatamente que nos empolga e nos motiva a continuar buscando novas aventuras...

Como dissemos no final de nossa viagem anterior...ate a proxima aventura, que esperamos esteja acontecendo em breve...


Returning home...

In Kentucky we got to the Chattanooga region going through the nice area of Signal Mountain, continuing to check the "stuff" ant the yard sales. We stayed overnight at the KOA Lookout Mountain/Chattanooga. At lookout Mountain we have visited the very Lookout Mountain, Rock City, Incline Railway and Ruby Falls and all these attractions are worth the visit. The view on top of the mountain is awesome and the falls at Ruby Falls look like a surreal painting due to its beauty...

The next day we stopped at QTM - a military vehicle parts store, in Fort Oglethorpe - in Georgia. In order to get to this area one must go through the Chickamauga/Chattanooga Battlefield Park where the battles of Chickamauga/Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain took place. We have visited the museums and the park in a previous trip and learned a little more about the History of related to these battles. After grabbing the parts Daniel needed for his Jeep we went on checking some yard sales in the state of Georgia.

This night we stayed at the Cartersville/Cassville KOA and the next day started our return towards Florida going through Atlanta, Macon, Valdosta and arriving in Kissimmee, at Sherwood Forest Manufactured Homes Community to finally use our house which we had not had the chance to do so far...

In this trip we completed 52 days travelling and drove almost 10.000 miles (9.790 to be more precise...) and crossed 20 States, some of them twice. We visited family and friends, established new friendship, met interesting people, besides visiting some interesting places again and checking on new places ... To travel is always a pleasure and we learn something new at every trip - regarding the places we visit and even regarding "survival" on the road...the good thing about it is that every day is a new day, each night, something and somewhere different, and this is what excites us the most and keeps us on searching for new adventures...

As we stated at the end of our previous trip...SEE YOU AT OUR NEW ADVENTURE...which we hope will happen soon!!!


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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.