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De volta a Iowa

Voltando para Iowa...

Depois de visitar Lynn e Wes rumamos sul em direcao a Iowa. Pernoitamos na fronteira na cidade de Spirit Lake num parque a beira do lago. Aqui viemos visitar a familia com quem morei por um ano entre 1975/76 como estudante de intercambio. Morei na casa da fazenda dos Barker - Norman e Ruth, e seus filhos Lynn, JoAnn, Jim e Jean. E frenquentei a Le Mars Community Highschool. A cidade de Le Mars e conhecida como a "Capital Mundial do Sorvete" e aqui se encontra a fabrica de sorvete Blue Bunny.Visitamos o Museu de Plymouth County, o War Memorial, a sorveteria, naturalmente...e visitamos novamente a fazenda onde morei. Nestes anos todos que viajamos para os Estados Unidos temos visitado os Barkers em diversas ocasioes, inclusive participando de casamento de alguns dos netos e nas Bodas de ouro do casal em 2001.

Depois de LeMars rumamos para o sul de Iowa para visitar minha outra "irma" Jean e sua familia na cidade de Shenandoah, e passamos o feriado de 4 de Julho e assistimos a Parada e o show de fogos de artificio na comemoracao. No caminho passamos pela cidade de Winterset onde nasceu Marion Morrison...mais conhecido por "John Wayne" e visitamos a casa da familia. Na mesma regiao foi filmado "As Pontes de Madison" e passamos por uma das pontes cobertas aqui do condado de Madison. Numa viagem anterior ja haviamos visitado as pontes e a casa onde foi feito o filme - "Francesca's house".

Iowa e um estado produtor e a paisagem aqui se caracteriza por campos e mais campos de plantacoes e fazendas...esta foi a paisagem que contemplei por uma ano...

Returning to Iowa

After visiting Lynn e Wes in International Falls we headed south towards Iowa again. We crossed the border and spent the night at Emmerson Bay Park by the lake. We came down to visit my host family with whom I lived for the school year of 75/76 as an exchange student. I lived at the Braker's farm with my host parents Norman and Ruth and their children Lynn, JoAnn, Jim and Jean. I attended Le Mars Community Highschool. Le Mars is known as "The Ice Cream Capital of the World" and here is a "huge" plant of Blue Bunny Ice Cream. We visited the Plymouth County Museum, the War Memorial, the Ice Cream Parlor, of course...and again the farm where I stayed for a  year. Good memories...Throughout all these years we have been traveling to the States we have visited the Barkers in several different occasions and have participated in the wedding ceremonies for some of their grandchildren and attended the Barkers Golden Anniversary in 2001. We keep in touch...

After leaving Le Mars we headed south in Iowa to Shenandoah to visit my younger "sister" Jean and her family. We spent the 4th of July at their place and attended the parade and fireworks show at night.On our way there we stopped in Winterset where Marion Morrison, better known as John Wayne, was born and visited his birthplace, for the second time...We also the covered bridges of Madison County, including the Roseman Bridge used as a location for the movie "Bridges of Madison County". In a previous trip we have visited "Francesca's house"- another movie location. 

Iowa, as you know, is a farmland region that produces different types of grains, and this was the "landscape" I saw throughout my school year.


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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.