Yosemite/Kings Canyon/Sequoia Parks

De Wendover/West Wendover, na entrada de Nevada, nosso rumo era em direcao ao Yosemite National Park. Passamos por varias cidadezinhas interessantes, entre elas Ely e Tonopah - cidades moneiras e muito antigas. Neste trecho seguimos pela US 93 que e a Pony Express Trail.

Percorremos boa parte da Inyio National Forest e a vista e indescritivel. Chegamos na divisa de Nevada e California, onde se encontra o pico mais alto do estado de Nevada - o Boundary Peak - com 13,140 pes de altura...

Passamos por algumas cidades muito pitorescas como Benton e Hot Springs (Wells Fargo Benton Grocery Store - 1852) na I-20. O combustivel e muito caro aqui na California - estavamos pagando uma media de 3,70/3,80 e aqui chegamos a ver o preco do galao a 4,95 e 5,50!

Pernoitamos no Indian Flat RV Campground, em El Portal bem na saida do Parque e no dia seguinte visitamos o Parque Yosemite que e simplesmente fantastico...Daqui seguimos sul para visitar os Parques Kings Canyon e Sequoia - ambos sao florestas de sequoias gigantes e impressionantes...

Saindo dos parques procuramos um KOA para pernoitar e chegamos na cidade de Visalia, passando por plantacoes de citricos, oliveiras pessegos, nectarinas, videiras, gado leiteiro - um verdadeiro oasis em meio a este deserto - tudo gracas a irrigacao. Aqui produzem vinhos e laticinios que exportam para mais de 80 paises. Com relacao a irrigacao aqui se afirma: "FARM WATER FEEDS THE COUNTRY" - IRRIGACAO NAS FAZENDAS ALIMENTA O PAIS... 


From Wendovver/West Wendover at the border of Nevada we headed towards Yosemite National Park, going through some unique little towns like Ely and Tonopah - both mining cities. After that we traveled US 93 which is the Pony Express Trail.

We travelled through most part of the Inyio National Forest and the views are astonishing...Then we got to the border of Nevada and California where is located the highest peak in Nevada - Boundary Peak - with 13.140 feet.

We went through some very interesting towns like Benton Hot Springs where is located the Benton Wells Fargo Grocery Store - est. 1852 - on I-20. Fuel here in California is by far the most expensive we have come across, our average so far has been 3,70/3,80 and here we have found it prices as high as 4,95 to 5,50!!!

We spent the night at Indian Flat RV Resort at El Portal - right at one of the entrances to the Park. The next day we visited Yosemite and the Park is really beautiful!!! From Yosemite we went south to visit Kings Canyon and Sequoia Parks - famous for their "huge" sequoias, of course and they are really impressive...

Leaving the Parks we looked for a KOA to spend the night and got to the town of Visalia going by several farms of citrus, olives, peaches, nectarines, vineyards, dairy cattle - a true "oasis" at this desert area...all thanks to irrigation. Here they produce dairy products and wine which they export to 80 countries...

Here they have a saying: "FARM WATER FEEDS THE COUNTRY" - and we agree...


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27.06 | 09:07

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27.06 | 09:06

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21.08 | 10:50

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17.08 | 10:36

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