

Depois de sairmos do camping atravessamos o rio Mississipi e entramos no Estado de Iowa - no meio oeste americano. Aqui em Iowa, mais especificamente na cidade de LeMars morei durante um ano letivo como aluna de intercambio na fazenda da familia Barker - que tambem iremos visitar. Em Iowa se produz muito, aqui a paisagem e constituida principalmente de fazendas de producao de soja, milho, sorgo, trigo. Muita materia prima para fabricacao do etanol.
Resolvemos visitar novamente um dos QGs dos "American Pickers" - Cacadores de Reliquias, no Brasil - pois eles construiram um predio novo e assim fomos a cidade de LeClaire, que fica as margens do Mississipi e visitamos as novas instalacoes e vimos algumas novas "reliquias" encontradas por eles.
Depois paramos no Iowa 80 - maior truck stop dos Estados Unidos - alem de postos de abastecimento de combustivel, ha um Museu do Transporte muito interessante, lanchonetes, loja de conveniencia e souvenirs, sala de descanso para os caminhoneiros, banco, chuveiros, lavanderia, infraestrutura completa de apoio aos caminhoneiros.
Nossa proxima parada foi na casa de nossos amigos Ron e Marlys Saathoff que sao donos do Ron's Auto Salvage, onde Daniel encontrou e ainda encontra varias da pecas para restauracao de seus veiculos. Alias Daniel conheceu Ron atraves de uma revista de carros antigos e passou a fazer negocios com ele. Nos tornamos amigos e eles inclusive ja foram nos visitar no Brasil. Ficamos tres dias "acampados" em frente a casa deles.
After leaving the KOA Campground we crossed the Mississippi and entered Iowa. I have spent a school year in LeMars - IA as an exchange student living with the Barker family on their farm and whom we are going to visit,too. In fact, many farms and farmland in Iowa...
We decided to visit again one of the HQ of the American Pickers because they have added a new building to this place. This one is located in Le Claire - IA by the Mississippi and we went there to check on the new building and on some new "picks"...
Resuming our route west we hit I-80 and visited the Iowa 80 Truck Stop - considered the largest truck stop in America. Besides gas stations there is a Transportation Museum, souvenir shops, parts shop, places to eat, resting rooms for truckers, laundry facilities, showers, all kinds of amenities for truckers.
Our next stop was Allison - IA at our friends Ron and Marlys's place. They are the owners of Ron's auto salvage and Daniel got to know about Ron's place in Cars and Parts Magazine and started to buy parts from him.We became friends and they have even visited us in Brazil. We "camped" in front of their place for some days while Daniel visited the yard to find some parts he wanted.  

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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.