Photos back to IA

Museu de Judy Garland - a Dorothy do Magico de Oz - em sua cidade natal - Grand Rapids - Minnesota - Judy Garland's home town museum...

Entrando no estado de Iowa... Entering Iowa state

Acampando no Emmerson Bay Park em Spirit Lake... Camping at Emmerson Bay Park in Spirit Lake...

Parada para o cafe da manha no Hardee's... Stopping for breakfast at Hardee's...

Cafe da manha predileto do Daniel..."monster biscuit"... Daniel's favorite breakfast meal - "monster biscuit"...

Fazenda em Iowa - milho, trigo, soja e criacao de porcos... Farmland in Iowa...

Casa dos Barker na cidade de Le Mars... Barker's home in Le Mars...

Visita ao Museu em Le Mars... Visit to the Museum in Le Mars

Fazenda miniatura... Miniature farm buildings...

Esta antiga bomba de gasolina estava na fazenda dos Barkers e foi doada ao museu... This old fuel pump used to be at the Barker's farm and was donated to the museum...

"Bonecas" feitas por um artista local...mais de 70 em exposicao... Dolls made by a local artist - over 70 of them ...

Estilo de casas em Le Mars... Nice old houses in Le Mars...

Casa da fazenda em que morei por um ano com a familia Barker - ai estou com a JoAnn... Barker's farm house where I lived for a year - here with JoAnn...

Bomba de gasolina igual a do posto Schirmer, ainda em uso na fazenda... Fuel pump similar to the one we have at home...

Matando a saudade da fazenda... Recalling good old times at the farm...

Escola em que estudei - Le Mars Community Highschool - where I attended my senior year...

Na capital mundial do sorvete... In the Ice cream capital of the world...

Tivemos que ir comer um bom e refrescante sorvete... We obviously had to try some...

Casa dos Barker - Norman e Ruth... At the Barker's - Norman and Ruth...

Norman, Ruth, JoAnn and Carl.

Foto aerea da fazenda, na epoca em que morei la... Aerial view of the farm from the time I lived there...

Despedida dos Barkers... When we left the Barker's place...

Estacionamos o motorhome na frente da casa da minha outra "irma" Jean e Corby... We parked our RV in front of Jean and Corby's house...

Jean, Katie, Heidi, Kaylee, Corby and Matt... comemorando o aniversario de 18 anos da Heidi... Commemorating Heidi's 18th birthday...

Abrindo os presentes... Opening gifts and reading cards...

Conversando com Adam, via skype, ele na India... Talking to Adam via skype - he is in India...

Parada de 4 de Julho... 4th of July Parade in Shennandoah...

Jantar de 4 de julho... 4th of July dinner - pork ribs...delicious...

Galpao e maquinario na fazenda de Corby e Jean... Machinery "shed" at Corby and Jean's farm...

Nova colheitadeira - toda computadorizada... new combine all computerized...

Visao de dentro da cabine da colheitadeira... View from the inside of the combine...

Fomos dar uma caminhada para conhecer o bairro... Fichter's neighborhood...very nice...

Roseman Bridge - "Bridges of Madison County"

Daniel e seu "idolo"... Daniel and his "hero"...

Sandy and Bob 12.07.2014 16:15

It must have been wonderful being with your Iowa family and reliving your time with them. It looks great!

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Latest comments

27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.